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[20 Jan 2012|12:23am]

Who: Josh and Rahne
What: The night of her return and she is ushered out of her own apartment by a dupe so she meets up with Josh for a mini reunion
Where: A quiet bar on Fifth and X in District X.
When: The night of her return home.

She still remembered him as just a teenager, like her, a year older but so boyish and sweet. )

[19 Jan 2012|08:36pm]

Text to Josh Foley )

[18 Jan 2012|09:41am]

WHO: Shatterstar and Layla Miller
WHAT: Arrivals.
WHERE: X-Factor office.
WHEN: Wednesday morning
STATUS: In progress

Well that was his business. )

[13 Jan 2012|02:25pm]

Who: Pete and Kitty
What: Cleanup in the kitchen and talking
Where: Mansion kitchen
When: Friday afternoon

Pete rolled up his sleeves and got to work. )

THREAD! [07 Jan 2012|10:07pm]

WHO: Gabriel Summers (aka Vulcan) + OTA
WHAT: Crash landings
WHEN: Saturday evening
WHERE: Near the lake
NOTE: Open to all at the school, come meet the new guy!

Vulcan didn't know what had drawn him towards this planet. )

Narrative! [30 Dec 2011|02:21am]

WHO: Magma
WHAT: Amara has a prophetic dream of sorts, causes a bit of destruction
WHEN: Early Friday morning
WHERE: X-Mansion, Westchester & New York City
[This is a narrative but feel free to talk about the aftermath!]

[29 Dec 2011|11:42pm]

Who: Laurie Collins and OPEN
What: Laurie takes it upon herself to finally rid the mansion of holiday decorations because there is no way in hell she is letting anyone keep them up past New Years.
Where: Recreational room
When: Friday morning

Laurie was a Grinch who didn't steal Christmas but did take all it's decorations down quick as ever after it was finally over. )

[29 Dec 2011|11:11pm]

Who: Copycat, Avalanche and OPEN to all Bhooders!
What: Vanessa gets attacked and ends up returning to the hideout extremely upset
When: Thursday early evening
Where: Bhood Hideout [The abandoned Firehouse?]

And that was when she tasted blood on her tongue. )

[28 Dec 2011|09:19pm]

WHO: Wither & Iceman (he's so populurr)
WHEN: Backdated: Wednesday mid-afternoon
WHERE: Again, Bobby's mancave

[28 Dec 2011|08:57pm]

WHO: Rictor & Iceman
WHAT: Julio comes to mock an infirmed Bobby
WHEN: Wednesday evening
WHERE: Bobby's mancave

[28 Dec 2011|06:49pm]

Who: Logan and Rogue
What: Sparring in the Danger Room, the best time to have deep conversations with Logan!
Where: Danger Room
When: Wednesday before dinner

If anyone knew him they knew the best time to get a good talk going with him was during a Danger Room session. Or with a beer, whichever. )

[28 Dec 2011|06:09pm]

Text to Kitty Pryde )

[27 Dec 2011|09:00pm]

Text Message to Doug Ramsey )

[26 Dec 2011|06:14am]

WHO: St. John & Hope.
WHAT: Trouble again.
WHERE: Some random bar, Manhattan.
WHEN: Saturday night, 12/31/2011-01/01/2012!

As soon as I love her it's been too long,
and I really love breaking your heart.
! )

[24 Dec 2011|04:48pm]

Text message to Hope Spalding. )

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